showing 4 games

name arrow_downwardpublisher(developer)yeartagsdescription
God of War Sony (SIE Santa Monica Studio)2018 actionadventure adv-xpdistr attackwarning axes blocking bossarenas bossbattles bossmeter cannibalism cleargame colossi columnarjointing companion deities difficulty enemyhealthdisplay family-theme gianthumanoids giants godlingprotagonist godofwar healthdrops healthpickups magic maleprotagonist monsters nohealthregen norsemythology optionaltasks parentprotagonist parrying photomode playablecredits prophecy rage recurringopponent sequelhook slowmotion socketables tasktracker thrownweapons timedblocks unarmedfighting undead upgradesystem warriorprotagonist whips wilderness wintery xp-kills His vengeance against the gods of Olympus far behind him, Kratos now lives as a man in the lands of Norse Gods and monsters. It is in this harsh, unforgiving world that he must fight to survive... and teach his son to do the same. As mentor and protector to a son determined to earn his respect, Kratos is faced with an unexpected opportunity to master the rage that has long defined him. Questioning the dark lineage he’s passed on to his son, he hopes to make amends for the shortcomings of his past. Set within the untamed forests, mountains, and realms of Norse lore, God of War features a distinctly new setting with its own pantheon of creatures, monsters, and gods.***
Nioh  Koei Tecmo (Team Ninja)2017 17thcentury adv-intermediary adv-ptdistr adv-xpdistr attrbasedeq axes blocking bludgeons bodyarmor bossbattles bossmeter bows combatstyles damageinfo demo demons demons-eastern dodging firearms firearms-early healingitems historicalfantasy itemlock japan japanesemythology magic maleprotagonist monsters npcstamina outlanderprotagonist pinatacreatures polearms premadeprotagonist relentlessguards restingreset rolling samurai savepoints sengokuperiod sorcery soulslike spears splatter stamina stippletransparency swords targetlock tumbling xp-kills xp-literal xp-objects labelimageminimize
Rainbow Moon EastAsiaSoft;Limited Run Games (SideQuest Studios)2016 adv-xpdistr circadiancycle classbased classbasedeq containers difficulty fromanotherworld grid grid-square group healingitems hunger lamp limitedcapacity lottery psstore rainbowmoon-series saves-crossplatform shopping statuseffects tacticalrpg teleporters Physical release by Limited Run Games on 19th August 2016 (3000 units produced). labelimageminimize
Sundered Thunder Lotus Games2017 adv-intermediary adv-xpdistr autozoom bossarenas bossbattles chromaticaberration criticalchance crowdfunded download energyshields femaleprotagonist handdrawn healingitems healthdraining mapgenerator metroidvania midairjumping premadeprotagonist presetmaps shieldregen shortcutopening xp-objects labelminimizeminimize